
General information about technical specialization of SDS activities is described at the company site.

Below is an overview of selected projects that SDS has been involved at and theirs general objectives. You can visit links leading to more detailed information on these technical projects.

Feel free also to browse through the training positions related to these projects as well.

Biofuels production systems and theirs sustainability

Bio-Diesel cellulosic ethanol research
Research and demonstration projects funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, run in collaboration with the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and the Edison State College.

Sustainable sugarcane farming systems and analysis of land use for biomass production
Research, development, and education programs related to biofuels, biomass farming and fuel conversion systems in order to propose an alternative, sustainable sugarcane farming system for the south Florida, which will balance various economic, social and ecological needs, address water storage, water flow, water quality, biodiversity, soil subsidence, carbon emissions, and biofuel production.

Oxbows restoration and related computer modeling

Caloosahatchee River oxbows restoration
Design, implementation, and assessment of restoration program for Caloosahatchee River oxbows in Hendry County.

Computer modeling of flow and sediments movements
Documentation, testing and calibrating 2-D and 3-D computer models related to restoring remaining original oxbows of the Caloosahatechee River.

Nature park restoration and Environmental education center development

LaBelle Nature Park restoration
Design and implementation of various technical improvement to public access and usage of LaBelle Nature Park.

Environmental education center development
Develop and design plans and create K-12 schools curriculums for creating LaBelle Nature Park Environmental Education Center.

Utilities systems management

Hendry County utilities management
Management of Hendry County water and wastewater utility system planning and construction projects.

Port LaBelle Utilities System
Management of Port LaBelle area utility systems and other infrastructure planning and designing projects.

Water treatment plant and chlorination
Improve chlorine disinfection technology used in water treatment plants.


Carbon sequestration and Global warming issues

Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration
CO2 capture and sequestration issues associated with coal and other power generation methods.


Developing countries water management issues

Central Asia water management issues
Improving living standards of impoverished nations by designing and constructing drinking water and sanitation systems in Central Asia.


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